Friday, August 28, 2015

Ask, Seek, and Knock

A friend of mine, a retired elementary school art teacher and expressive artist, remarked that now she has time to pull books of the shelf and read them. I am doing that, too. For years it seems books have leapt off the shelves when I needed them. The most recent book I read offered these words that “shimmered on the page,” as Christine Valters Paintner of Abbey of the Arts invites us to consider in reading. “Ask, seek, knock” in The Reason for God: Belief in an age of skepticism by Timothy Keller.  And how did this book end up falling off the shelf for me just now?


The leaping out of resources started during my divorce in the 80’s when I concluded in the first half of life I thought God had made me bright and set me free…that I trusted myself, my intellect, my persistence, my motivation. Then when divorce took me to my knees I decided to “let go and let God,” the parlance of that time.  When I couldn’t find a file for a lecture, I would just let go and a book would fall of the shelf or some other resource would land on my path, the right quote, the right story, the right illustration.  When I was in despair I would just let go. I went to the Unity church which was very inclusive of a variety of beliefs. I learned to trust my intuition more as that small, still voice and explored who I was in my own right. I meditated, explored guided imagery, and metaphysics. 

I vowed that if divorce took away my ability to trust men, I would have given away too much.

Starting Over

I remarried, took on role of stepmother and blender of families, and moved more into my private practice of traveling as a speaker and writing. I read about spirituality and sexuality. I was drawn to new adventures, longings, bunny trails to traverse…holistic nursing, Sage-ing, the expressive arts. I set intentions and saw marvelous synchronicities respond. Joseph Campbell said if you want something, put it out to the universe, tell everyone you know, (some of us call that prayer) and it will be as if 1000 unseen hands are there to assist you. And so my journey continued, busy, busy, busy.

Asking What’s Next

As I began to explore conscious aging, in my 50’s when I still thought I knew a lot…not as much as in my 20’s…but still a lot, I began to ask, “What’s next?”  I facilitated workshops on Sage-ing and the expressive arts for meaning making. A definition of spiritualty I favor is “meaning making.” I continue to teach nursing electives on self-care through complementary therapies and the expressive arts. I continue to update a nursing text on communications and still ask, “What’s next?”

Pondering the Spiritual and Religious

Two books fell off the shelf, OK they were gifts. A priest friend gave us Jesus: A pilgrimage by James Martin. Our son in 2008 gave us Timothy Keller’s book mentioned above. And so I find myself reading these books and thinking. My son, a Presbyterian minister, and I have started regular dialogue by phone. We read and discuss and ponder together. He says Timothy Keller’s book represents his beliefs and so, finally, I sat down to read it and just finished this morning. I had been called to create a mandorla while reading this, an overlapping of circles in which one makes art in each about 2 opposites, this one on doubt and belief. The center represents where the two overlap. I couldn’t begin it but a friend, expressive artist and Quaker pastor, was visiting and she suggested we do it together. We meet when she is in town and make art together often at a table at a Starbucks. I sent the photo of the art to my son and we will talk about it. Our son is an artist, too, and gifted me with an incredible painting honoring our journey together. And now the words, “Ask, Seek, and Knock,” want to become art. We’ll see.

Below is a sample of a mandorla I created several years ago working with “anxiety” on the left and “trust” on the right. Where the circles met became a safety net which to me represents God.



Here is the mandorla process from my book Art in Small Spaces: Art at the bedside, a guidebook of 35 processes for self-discovery and wellness. (Available in print or E-book, a pdf file) Email to order:
Process:  Mandorla…working with opposites

Purpose: To offer a unique process for exploring opposites in life or for working toward a resolution of inner conflict

Supplies: Paper with 2 overlapping circles and art supplies of choice for drawing/painting.  Choose paper based on medium you offer. Use a plate or cd to trace circles.

Directions/Language of Invitation: When a client is working with two opposites in his/her life, offer the mandorla. Suggest making a mandala for each opposite and then in the overlapping space, make art of where they meet, the union of the opposites, the resolution of a conflict, the “liminal” space of transformation where they meet. (Mandorla comes from the Italian word for almond, the shape of the overlap in the circles.)

Variations/Special precautions/Lessons learned: Colored pencils or watercolor with a fine brush give control for details but any art materials can be used.  The drawing above illustrates the liminal space but offer 2 complete overlapping circles, without the line breaks.

Processing: Ask the client to tell you about the art. Offer an opportunity to journal about insights arising from the art.            

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Be a Grandparent...even when the shiny paper falls away

What does it mean to be a grandparent?  What do we expect our role to be? What do we expect? As one friend says, that Normal Rockwell gets us into trouble. 

So we, OK, I have these fantasies. I will be treasured. I will offer the perfect experience. We will bond. Any present I offer will be graciously received with wide eyes, delight, and a possible thank you note.  I will have something to offer along the lines of wisdom.  Someone will want hear what I have to say.  I will be “in on it,” when something wonderful happens in the children’s and grandchildren’s lives.

The grandchildren will be a source of “meaning making” and “making special,” in my life and in my husband’s life.  We will be welcome and seen as part of the family unit. 

And…our children will parent, will want to parent, will accept the responsibilities of parenthood and put the children’s needs before their own.  They will be tired but grateful.  They will understand that we, too, are not perfect and don’t behave as they would like at every minute but will accept us as family and accept the inconvenience and messiness that family sometime brings. 

Taking a breath…life is what it is and it is good. So…I am supposed to be the grown up, to understand that life has its ups and downs, that some words uttered hurt but are not to be made into the grain of sand that grows into a big fat pearl of resentment and unforgiveness.

I am called to understand that my children make their own decisions about how to parent as did I. I am not perfect and they are not perfect. I learn to text and am grateful for a one or two word response. Occasionally an email will pop up on my cell phone. An occasional picture will be shared and I will save it to my photo gallery and show everyone I know who understands and some who don’t!

I will learn to bring my expectations out in the light of day, hold them up, turn them around and then release them.  I will open up to possibilities of connection and listen for gift ideas that are just right. I will wipe a tear from my eye, one of pure joy, one of hurt. I will take a breath and be grateful for moments. I will say a prayer than I can stay the course of love and joy along the time table of others. I will be patient…or not…I will go with the flow or occasionally curl inward for healing moments, take a breath and start again. I will turn to a friend, another grandparent, who has his or her own story and we will take a breath and laugh and cry and pick ourselves up and go on.

I will get a life of my own so I continue to bring my whole self to whatever life reveals.  I will trust that what I have to offer is enough and savor the opportunities I am given. I will be patient, let time pass…whine to my husband, and occasionally turn to chocolate. I will grandparent other children who appear in our lives. Life is good and just as it should be with or without shiny paper.

And here is the progress on my bird mixed media piece along my spiritual journey…this is me getting a life.



“Every time a child is born, a grandparent is born, too”

You don’t have to be a biological grandparent to offer grand parenting.

Check out “7 Unbreakable Rules of Being a Grandparent,” by Barbara Graham which include: see yourself as a Relief pitcher on the bench, ready to be called. At

Friday, July 24, 2015

Try Something New

What do you think?  My husband forwards emails from the magazine, Cloth, Paper, Scissors, a mixed media magazine I adore. He gets the email because the subscription is one of my Christmas gifts.  I have every issue…it is that good.  The last email really was a keeper, another synchronous event. I want to share Dave Matthew’s quote and Carrie Schmitt’s poem because they can support us in any new adventure along our Sage-ing journey. See what you think.

 Shared Hesitancy at Trying Something New

I was having a daily conversation with a friend who has been a witness and sometimes reluctant participant in my workshops who identified why she doesn’t jump into art. She says, “I am too timid and too rigid.”  Me, too, and yet I muddle on. 

Dave Matthews once said, "You've gotta try something new every once in a while."

How To Become An Intuitive Artist by Carrie Schmitt

You wake up one day and want to be an artist. You wish you could go back to school and study art.
You wonder, "Is it too late to start again?"
You discover talented self-taught artists online that are living boldly on their terms.
You want to do that.
You discover intuitive painting, which is about freeing the creativity within.
You put paint to canvas. Timidly. You try to embrace the qualities of intuitive painting--not to judge what is happening on the canvas, not to have self-doubt, to trust the process, to let go of inhibition and restraint.
You judge what is happening on the canvas.
You doubt everything you are doing.
You think this process is for special artsy types with spiky purple hair, tattoos, and combat boots.
You don't know how to let go. You've been holding on to so much for so long.
You keep painting anyway. You stumble through the beginner's shaky rite of passage. The rough patches. The unsophisticated muck. You scratch the surface of what might be possible with time.
You sense the wild within you, but it is stuck. You start to remember this long ago silenced self. You wonder how to get this out of you.
You get frustrated. You think you can't do it. You keep going.
You have so much to unlearn.
You unlearn "I am not creative."
You unlearn "Only a few special people are artists."
You unlearn "I am not good enough."
You learn to trust.
Trusting yourself means believing in yourself, means loving yourself, means caring for yourself, means your world just flipped upside down.
Because caring for your whole self-mind, body, and spirit--becomes essential. You are a sacred vessel from which creativity flows.
You are sacred.
You create. Over and over. Each time unraveling. Visiting the layers of your self. Diving deeper, your heart swells. There are sensations of light, fire, bursting, shifting, cracking, floating, flowing.
You paint what has never existed before.
You awaken parts of you that never existed before.
Your intuition grows stronger.
The wild in you begins to emerge. You are coming home to yourself.
You feel your power.
You start to see beauty and possibility everywhere. Within. Without.
You let go.
There is softness in the surrender.
You unfold. You let things out. You reclaim the parts of yourself that you love. You forgive the ones that you don't. You thank them for what they have taught and toss them out with the paint water.
You let the lines blur.
You let the paint guide you.
You let go.
You finish the painting.
You start again.
Carrie Schmitt is an artist who celebrates the beauty of flowers using an intuitive painting process. Her book, Painted Blossoms: Creating Expressive Flower Art with Mixed Media, teaches the art techniques and soulful practices that allow her joy to find expression on canvas

 How about you?

Is there something you would like to try but intimidates you. I conclude that in a few years we can become an expert…OK…or a good-enough expert, with the knowledge explosion on the Web, text, Webinars, and YouTube videos…and, of course, all sorts of e-communication I have probably not discovered.  The photo is of the beginning of a mixed media piece on canvas board, a big step for me to experiment with Golden texture products. I plan to add some text and I just don’t know what yet…but at least I have glitter in the paint!!!!!!!!!!

A favorite quote: "The enemy of the good is the better."  ("Better is the enemy of the good." Attributed to Voltaire)
Visit for free e-books, free webinars and a plethora of other resources if art sounds appealing
Search for anything you want to learn how to do. Type as many words as you like to get specific resources

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Upon Early Morning Awakening

I woke up at 2:30 this morning, way earlier than my usual early morning and was moved to pick up my knitting, wanting to meet my goal of finishing my first sweater. OK, I have been working on it for several years. Seems like I need to feel like I am finishing something.

Daily Inspiration

In between rows I went online to find a daily inspirational message. This one is from the Daily Word, based on new thought. I have daily spiritual readers from a variety of faiths and pick up what comes to the surface of my pile of “stuff” beside my chair. Today’s reading is “Curiosity: As I open to life, my good is limitless.” It talks about photographers moving all around, crawling, stretching, to capture a different perspective. Isn’t that we are called to do at this time of life? To approach life with curiosity and wonder rather than worry? Photography seems to keep popping up in my life just now and I take pictures frequently with my handy smart phone so this reference seems timely…more synchronicity…no accidents in the universe…pay attention…OK, already.

Shifting Perception through Reframing

That reframe is something I offered in keynotes, to reframe worry to wonder. Rather than “Oh, how can I ever get everything done today,” thinking “I wonder what today will bring.” And as for reframing, yesterday I had my weekly prayer call with a friend. Most Tuesday mornings since 1995, she and I catch up, share our concerns, share prayer requests, and pray aloud for each other. It has been a mainstay for me.  So…her prayer for me was an ultimate reframe I am still pondering.

For many months I have had a cough and what seems to be allergy symptoms. Pills and sprays, etc, don’t seem to help much, so I have switched to less chemical approaches and still seem to be carrying cough drops in my pocket. She prayed for my willingness, gratitude and to see this all as a blessing, that God is mighty in his presence. So what does that mean? Perhaps, that I stay open, see where this takes me, reflect on its meaning and trust in God, that I maintain a non-anxious presence with myself, that I move from worry to curiosity, perhaps. Yes, I have the name of a good Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist I am going to try, but, for this moment, I am called to let go of my angst and trust. Christine Valters Paintner reframes chronic illness as a pilgrimage.

Just like when I wake up early. My father was always looking for a medication to help him sleep. I have found it seems God speaks to me in the morning, whispering for me to get up with a new insight, a new energy for a book I am writing or a talk I am preparing. I grumble a bit but not for long. I turn on the coffee, settle in, and write or ponder, or today, knit, as I am called to do without worrying about not getting enough sleep. I can take a nap later if need be or go back to bed after a few hours if I get sleepy. Being worried or angry about not sleeping is not productive.

This is a time in life when several of my good friends are struggling with their shift in energy and their purpose at this time in life. I struggle, too. How do we use our gifts in a way that honors our body? What part does attitude play in our angst?

I looked up the metaphysical meaning of cough which turns out to be “wanting to bark at the world.” Really?????  OK, so as a psychiatric nurse I always ask myself what does a symptom mean? Is this all in my head? Why do I continue to cough when my lungs are clear and allergy meds don’t work? Barking to be noticed, the reference continues. Yes, I was noticed more when I was on the road speaking. What extravert doesn’t love a good spot of attention, but what do I need now? How do I continue to be vital and contribute in a new way?

I have finished my prep for the talk I give this week on Origami as a Spiritual Practice. I am excited to be teaching something I love, only having to drive 10 miles rather than take an all-day flight, yet am toying with submitting this topic for a national nursing conference. I “wonder” if I will do that. Perhaps I will wake up early with an answer.

For now, I am glancing over at the 10 origami crane wreaths I am making for Christmas gifts…the first time in years that I have made Christmas gifts, celebrating that I taught myself how to do it from an online video. Note the picture has a professional looking white title…did that myself with a photo app!!!


Visit for a daily inspirational quote and scripture.

Visit , transformative living through contemplative and expressive arts.

A book I am working with now, Paintner CV: The soul of a pilgrim: Eight practices for the journey within, Notre Dame, IN, 2015, Sorin Books.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Origami as a Spiritual Practice…life-long learning and sharing and…ah…a Maslow Peak Moment

Origami is the Japanese art of paper folding which can become an encouragement to prayer and meditation. As we learn to fold a paper crane or other origami form and fold them over and over, our fingers are occupied without needing to think about the folding. Our mind is freed for prayer or meditation.

In my work as an expressive arts facilitator in end-of-life care in hospice, I folded cranes prayerfully for patients and families. I taught them to fold cranes, too, encouraging them to think of a word or scripture or blessing we could write on the wing of a crane. We hung them with wire and beads, perhaps, on a fan pull in a hospice room or a bulletin board in a patient room in long-term care.

One grandmother who I visited in her home set the goal to fold one for each of her grandchildren before she died, a task she happily completed. One daughter asked me to write the word “patience” on a crane for her as she tended her mother. When I needed to cope with my own grief at the loss of a patient, I would fold a crane mindfully to honor the transition, and hang it from my car rearview mirror until the Florida sun faded it, helping me to honor this person and the sacred nature of the work.

Life-long Learning

Folding an origami crane was something I had tried for years to accomplish using Japanese books with pictures. Finally I found online written instructions that accompanied pictures and was able to master this seemingly daunting task. Now there are YouTube videos to smooth the path.

As our comfort with online learning increases, it seems the possibilities for life-long learning are legion. Dipping our toe in that water, having a savvy friend on call or the nerve to ask questions over and over of any online or real person source who might help is key…OK and persistence and the spiritual challenge of dealing with frustration.

Sharing our Gifts

Today I prepare to teach women in a Catholic church to fold origami hearts as a prayer practice, perhaps with healing intention, perhaps as a gift to demonstrate that someone is cared for, prayed for, and well loved.  I found several articles on origami and spirituality/prayer. I read about knitting as a spiritual practice knowing that process works in a similar way.  We can write a prayer or a blessing inside the paper, on the heart, or simply pray as we fold.

And THEN there is Pinterest and I am off clicking and emailing links for future reference…and I feel it in my chest…a Maslow Peak Moment.  (Yes, I know Wikipedia is not an academic source but can still serve us with discernment.

I find a wreath made of origami cranes I know I need to try and a crane mobile that might work with some dye-cut spiral paper I found.

Ebbs and Flows…and maybe fewer Peak Moments

And, for me, a fear of not having those grand rushes of excitement about learning or doing something new is one of my concerns about the Elder years. I realize I love to teach and need to honor that longing and do what it takes to keep on doing that in whatever form presents itself, despite that, “When-are-you-ever-going-to-retire” conversation that springs up occasionally.  I am still claiming the notion of “refirement” rather than “retirement.”  My prayer is for God to continue to offer me paths to share my gifts and at a pace that can be joyful.

Do you have something to look forward to?

Do you have an interest that needs to be explored? If you do not and feel like a person who “used to be someone,” then I encourage you to explore the process of Sage-ing. The tools for re-contextualizing your life to harvest its meaning and wisdom can support your path to living more joyfully in the present moment even if that moment looks a bit different that it did in your 40’s.


Saturday, July 11, 2015

Better Living Through Accessorizing

That’s been a motto of mine for a long time and always gets a good laugh from friends and the women in audiences. So what does that really mean? Another way of reframing the elder years, perhaps, and yet something I have long espoused…

We were at Tractor Supply a week ago. I thought I was just doing my husband a favor by hanging out in a favorite spot of his and I ended up with a rather large bag of things I couldn’t live without including a pair of shiny red flowered shoes, sort of the shoe part of those rubber boots with polka dots and other lovely patterns that a Florida girl cannot justify purchasing. But a shoe version, and on sale for $9, who could resist? So now when we are in the rain I can still have fun with dry feat and a fashion flair.

Lighten up!

I visited a friend this week, my first Sage-ing® co-facilitator. We completed the training together, did our internship together and early on as we were steeped in the content with a large dose of seriousness, we quipped that we needed to develop our “shallow selves.”  And we do tend to take ourselves too seriously sometimes. Do you know what I mean?

She has 15 years more life experience than I do and offers me a perspective on coping with chronic illness by weaving a tapestry of strategies from contemplative readings to the ritual of frothing the milk for her coffee in the morning. She leans toward conservative clothing and I have teased her into adding big earrings to her wardrobe. I shop at the beach for shell earrings and keep her stocked.  We both wear red lipstick as an essential pop for life.

Concerns about meaning-making and living in the moment and making special are at my very core and as a Myers-Briggs ENTP, have always been. Yet when I shake myself out of the Do-I-do-enough blues, I come back to center and reframe my life with humor and the desire to dress like myself no matter how old I am. OK, shoes need to be more comfortable these days so I buy ones I dub “so ugly they are cute.” Let’s see if I can get these two shoe pictures inserted here as I remember the magnet on my balance scale in the bathroom that reads, “If you can’t lose it, decorate it.”  OK…sometimes you do just need to chuckle at life’s challenges.


Another motto: “If I can laugh at it, I can cope with it.”

Sara Davidson wrote a recent book from interviews of Reb Zalman's coping in his 80’s, the December years described in Sage-ing. I read it and sent one to my friend. It is The December project: An extraordinary rabbi and a skeptical seeker confront life’s greatest mystery.

Friday, July 3, 2015

News Flash: Elder not defeated by technology

Just figured out how for you to be able to follow my blog.  Now at the top of the page there is a place to enter your email, a box has you enter the "are you a real person" letters on the screen, then you respond to a verifying email.

We are no longer sure about "No pain, no gain" in the world of exercise but somehow it seems to apply when an elder (my nursing book publisher prefers "older adult") journeys through the e-world.

It is amazing how many words Google can respond to in a search. hour or so, some time last night, some early this morning and I got it!!!!!!!!!!!   Too, this is all is good practice for learning to cope with frustration.

Our son, Erin, is visiting and he is my technology consultant. He is lying on the couch offering suggestions..."You should post that you figured out how people can follow you." (Check!) "You should Tweet and use Instagram. (Yikes! Ok, somewhere I did set up a Twitter account and wonder if I put that password in my list, but what is Instagram anyway? He's on a roll now.)

"You should contact the nursing schools who have adopted your text and try to arrange to about Hawaii or Aruba?" ( there's an idea. I love the energy and passion of our children and how they really can sleep late, lie on the couch and offer suggestions without coffee.)

AND---here is a photo collage using the app I mentioned in an earlier post. I couldn't figure out how to add the photo that was so big--figured out how to make images smaller.

We were at the Buffalo Bill Center of the West in Cody, WY.  The text explains  they string bird feathers on fishing line on windows to keep the birds from being injured. I am dazzled by close-up photos of flowers with my camera phone...not so many years ago I wouldn't even have noticed.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Practice Gratitude

Happy Birthday, Jim, for whom I am truly grateful. We understand intellectually that every day is a gift. We hear about living in the moment and being present for one another and for ourselves, but at this time of life we come to really “get it.” 

Six years ago we found our children and ourselves crowded into a hospital room sending Jim off to surgery for a coronary artery bypass graft (CABG). They would let us know when he was put on and taken of the bypass machine. A quadruple, seems in cardiac rehab one is known by how many. I sat in the dark one night in his room, knitting an afghan/prayer shawl, loving but misshapen token of my affection for him and a self-soothing practice for my anxiety. I wanted to write an article, “Knitting in the dark and other coping strategies of the nurse wife of a CABG.”  Note to self: you have to keep your sense of humor.

And so now we are truly grateful. Robert Emmons’s book, How the new science of gratitude can make you happier, speaks to the health benefits of gratitude. A simple practice with profound results, starting or ending your day bringing to mind things for which you are grateful or keeping a gratitude journal can really bring you back to center.

So there is he is still standing, coffee in hand at a chuck wagon dinner after a buffalo safari by jeep. Here is the birthday card I made him which is sitting on the table where there is an Avengers happy birthday banner strung so  he can see it as soon as he gets up. Making special is part of what I do and have always done to honor those I love. Now I am grateful for each day I have to do that.

But notice the word, practice. This does take practice. I was on the phone with a big telephone company whose name I shall tastefully omit, after 4 times of them not getting it right, maybe demonstrating a tiny bit of frustration….when Jim says no need to let this make you angry and spoil your day. Now this is a reframe for him, my glass-half-empty kinda guy. We are helping each other shift our attitude, keep things in perspective…part of the Sage-ing journey to live in the now. And so, Happy Birthday, Jim, for whom I am truly grateful.


 “Ten ways to become more grateful” from Emmons’s work at:

To create a Word Cloud like Jim’s birthday card visit


Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Be a Life-long Learner

This part of the journey started when my husband, Jim, began to text our adult children. It was awkward at first but I wanted to be in on it. Our children welcomed texts. Their response might be one word but often more immediate than to a voice mail. We had finally moved to smart phones and now were beginning to play with new features such as apps. (Applications)

I found a collage app for my android phone when we took a trip to national parks out west. (I use “Collage Photo Maker Pic Grid made by Lyrebird Studio) I wanted a creative way to share photos with a bit of whimsy remembering long evenings in the 70’s with friends seeing hundreds of slides of castles…ok, it seemed like hundreds.  You have to be willing to just experiment to learn to use the phone and apps. I found a young friend of 50 who was willing to teach me. We laugh and say we need a 12 year old consultant like I had in the 80’s when I was first using a computer.

It was soon clear that this trip was a spiritual journey.  We were humbled by the natural wonders and rich history we had only visited in books and movies. We were stunned at the beauty of such places as Zion National Park and Bryce Canyon National Park which literally left us “breathless” at high altitudes. My husband has long been drawn to the West and the Cowboy Code of Ethics. This trip which included Deadwood and Jackson Hole and Little Bighorn brought this era to life. I looked up the exquisite written proposal of the artist selected to create the Indian memorial at Little Bighorn, entitled “Peace through Unity.”

So how could we savor this trip and contemplate what we had seen? How could we honor the photographs to bear witness to this pilgrimage to a part of the country full of important history?   I found an online course, Photography as a Spiritual Path, by Jan Phillips at  She wrote God is at eye level: photography as a healing art.

Currently I am using the assignments and questions posed to process photos we took seeing photography as an expressive art. I had introduced my nursing students to a book, My morning view: an IPhone photography project about gratitude, grief, and good coffee by Tammy Stroeble, which inspired several of them to use photography in their final class project in expressive arts in healing.

I don’t look at all the photos in the practice circle of the e-course nor do I submit photos for each class but save the assignments to ponder at my own pace. I don’t have a lot of apps on my phone but I am enjoying a few. This time of life is about giving myself permission to try new things and only continuing with those that intrigue me. It is about honoring the discomfort of the learning curve, asking questions, and asking “what questions should I be asking?”

As we ask ourselves, “What’s next?” and “Trust our intuition,” is there something you are curious to know more about?

Something to think about:

“Life isn’t measured by the number of breaths we take, but by those that take our breath away.”

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Trust Your Intuition

Have you ever felt a nudge to do something or go somewhere? This week it was to the yarn shop.

I hadn’t been there in 6 months and when I arrived one of the owners threw up her hands and said, “Julie,” came over, and gave me a big hug. The yarn shop is sacred space and safe harbor. Some places just make you feel good and we should give ourselves the gift of listening to that voice that draws us to them.  She fixed me a cup of coffee and we talked and listened.

Sharing my desire to find a cost-effective way to have a more engaging web presence, asking her if she knew someone who could help…her reply was. “That’s easy. Write a blog. I had one for several years when I had breast cancer.” And so she proceeded to show me hers, tell me a place to go “BlogSpot.” By that evening I had overcome my need to get it just right, plunged in anyway…remembering a favorite quote, “The enemy of the good is the better.”

Rather than being paralyzed by which site to use, the choice of the “perfect” template, I decided to trust my intuition and begin.  In my web search I noted that some bloggers worked to remove the “Simple” template page designation from the bottom of the blog page. That would have been me years ago in my get-it-just-right professional self. Now I am delighted that the word “Simple” might invite other elders to blog to find a place to share their life lessons with others.

So how can we come to trust our intuition?

Reb Zalman’s work of Sage-ing invites us to use contemplative tools to help us: make peace with our past, harvesting our life’s wisdom; and make peace with our future, acknowledging our mortality. This work frees us to be more fully present, to release the energy tied up in regrets and fear, to live more consciously, fully, in the now. Meditation, life review, harvesting our wisdom, journaling, poetry, creativity, expressive art-making, yoga, and prayer are examples of these spiritual tools. Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi in From Age-ing to Sage-ing, says extended longevity calls for extended consciousness. He believed we could learn to use more of our brain, to develop our intuition and learn to trust it.

After I came home from the yarn shop, I decided to call a woman who it turns out also has breast cancer.  I was able to refer her to the blog my friend had written. I emailed her some mandalas to color and information about Zentangle, two expressive arts processes for self-soothing and anxiety relief. Visit to learn more and Amazon for an adult coloring book, best sellers now. Or just search, “mandalas to color” for free ones to print and color.
Two more thoughts:

“Trust is the toggle switch for synchronicity.” (More about that another day)
“Knitting is the new yoga.”
Sample of a simple mandala to color

Thursday, June 25, 2015

What's next????

This is such an in-between time in my 68th year of life experience. Not feeling the entrepreneurial push to network and self-promote that was part of the dance of that role for 35 years...I am reading, processing, making art for self-discovery and enjoying it...staying open for opportunities to share.

This is the time of Sage-ing...and what is that? Sage-ing is a conscious aging journey which to me is two fold: life review, life repair, and forgiveness, making peace with my past; and proactive aging, facing my mortality and making practical preparation for end-of-life; so I can live more fully in the present, savoring the moment. Just re-reading Reb Zalman's book, From Age-ing to Sage-ing: A revolutioning approach to growing older, I am called to re-contextualize my life, harvest the wisdom from my life, and share it...and now I

Where do I share what I think is important if I am not "on the road?"  Today a friend shared a delightful quote from Anne Lamott:

“The road to enlightenment is long and difficult and you should try not to forget snacks and magazines.”
Here's the art that is bubbling up just now. Letting images from my stash of collage material
choose me, creating simple collages on folded 81/2 x 11 cardstock, because it was handy.  I give each a one word title and process by listing the letters of the word vertically down the page, writing a phrase beginning with each letter. This work is flowing from my recent deeper reading in Sage-ing and in the book: Jesus: A pilgrimage by Father James Maring, and The Soul of a Pilgrim: Eight practices for the journey within, by Christine Valtners Painter. Check out her amazing work at

And so it begins....Welcome!